Saturday, September 27, 2008

Feeling of ....

It's been almost one year,
we have been together and near

Close enough for others to feel,
my wounds began to heal

Your voice is similar to wind chime,
even my words have begun to rhyme

I want myself to be heard,
you say that I am a nerd

Cant u see I am not fine
would you forever be mine?

I beg to differ in the end,
Love is simply, not blind....


SanD said...

well this one was written because one of my friends asked me to write something on love, clearly defining the scenario....

ashish goel said...

great work dude,its really nice..

esp. the third stanza -
"Your voice is similar to wind chime, even my words have begun to rhyme"

ur "frnd" told me u had written something, but never knew it wud be so cool. :)

Mou said...

woh !! this is soo cool.. !! :)